HSE card in Norway is mandatory for all construction workers. The Norwegian name is HMS kort. How to get HMS cards for construction workers in Norway?
HSE card in Norway – foreign companies that post their employees on construction contracts in Norway must remember about obligatory the HMS cards. Without them, employees will not be allowed access to the construction site. What conditions must be met in order to order HMS-kort for employees?
HSE-card has been introduced in Norway by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. The main reason was maintaining high safety standards at construction sites. Everyone who is to work on a construction site in Norway must be provided with an HSE/HMS badge. This rule also covers foreign workers posted to Norway even for short assignments.
More useful information related to working on contracts in Norway by foreign companies:
- d-nummer in Norway
- NUF in Norway
- Altinn in Norway
- VAT in Norway
- minimum wages in Norway
To be able to order HSE/HMS cards, a foreign employer must have a Norwegian organisation number and register the contract at the Norwegian tax office. The definition of those covered by the obligation to have a valid HMS kort is broader than just construction workers. Here is who is covered by the HMS card obligation:
- cleaning staff at construction sites
- sole traders (enkeltpersonforetak)
- subcontracted workers
- staff carrying out other work on construction sites, e.g. in the staff canteen
- in certain cases, also persons transporting goods to the building site
Did you know that HSE card in Norway is also obligatory for employees in the cleaning industry?
HMS card in Norway for construction workers can be ordered online. As of 2021, there is a new portal that is much more user-friendly than the previous version. If you have access to the Norwegian altinn.no platform, you will also be able to log in to the hmskort platfrom. In the case of foreign companies posting their employees to Norway for construction projects, it is advisable to register the company even 2-3 months in advance. After the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the spread of remote working in Norwegian authorities, the total waiting time for a newly registered foreign NUF entity may exceed even 6 weeks.
Do you expect a smooth preparation of contractual paperwork in Norway? Contact us. We will prepare your company to operate in accordance with Norwegian regulations. We provide services to companies throughout Europe. We ensure efficient cooperation, many years of experience and knowledge transfer.